The following are the terms of use for this website. The website belongs to the company digicall AE and offers its services and products through this website, in accordance with the conditions described below. The visitor/user of the services of this website understands and accepts that all pages/services are provided “as is” and the website disclaims any responsibility related to the limited duration, deletion, poor performance or failure of electronic storing any user data and/or any content of personal pages/services.

The visitor/user is responsible for accessing the services of the website and the relevant access may require the payment of fees to third parties (e.g. internet service providers, charge for time spent on the internet). The visitor/user is solely responsible for paying the relevant fees. Also, the visitor/user is solely responsible for his personal equipment with the necessary technological means that allow him to access the services of the website.

The Owner of this website is committed to ensuring the privacy of website users. Each visitor/user is asked to accept the use of Cookies when visiting the website.

More information on the protection of personal data and the cookie policy can be found at the following link: Privacy policy


Website visitors/users who are minors are not allowed to access website services that may be considered inappropriate for minors and which cannot be controlled by the website and its administrator.


It is mutually agreed and understood that all information, data, texts, graphics, photographs, images, music files, videos, messages and all content, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, remains the sole responsibility of of the natural or legal person from whom the content originates. This means that the user is solely responsible for all and any content that he uploads, publishes, sends, transmits or otherwise makes available through the website services. The website cannot control all of the content posted by users on the website’s services, so it does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, legality, or quality of such content. Under no circumstances can the website be held responsible for any error or omission in any content or for any harm or damage that may arise from the use of any content that is posted, sent, transmitted or otherwise made available by users on the website’s services and of the app. Users agree not to use the website’s services and accept full and sole responsibility for the following:

Post, publish, transmit, transmit or use any other method to install content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, harmful, defamatory, vulgar, violent, abusive, racist or otherwise objectionable, violates the privacy and privacy of others, any intellectual property rights of any entity and causes feelings of hatred, and/or any other constituted criminal offense and any other form of unwanted promotion of content, as well as content that contains digital viruses or any other electronic code, files or programs designed to interfere with, destroy or limit the operation of any software or computer equipment or telecommunications equipment.

Harm minors in any way.

Impersonation of any legal or natural person or false statement about the user’s identity or misleading statement regarding the user’s relationship and/or collaboration with another legal or natural person.

Forging or otherwise tampering with user identifiers in order to mislead as to the origin of content transmitted through the website and app services.

Posting, publishing, sending, transmitting or using another method to install content by a person who does not have a right to make that content available by law or by a confidential relationship.

Interfering with the services or disrupting the services or servers or networks connected to the website services, or disobeying the conditions, procedures and rules of use of these networks.

Violation, with or without intent, of any local, national, European, international law and/or any rule having legislative force and relating to and/or covering any service of the website and app.

Harassment with

in any way the privacy and individual and social rights of other users (such as collecting and/or storing personal data of other users).

Loss of property for any reason (eg wrong investments).

The user understands and agrees that the website does not pre-screen the content, and that the website and app and its relevant partners retain the right (but not the obligation) to have the sole option of refusing to post/publish or to move or delete any content available through its services. Also, the website and its relevant partners reserve the right to delete without notice any content that violates these terms of use.


The user understands and accepts that he retains the sole responsibility to indemnify the website and its partners for any legal dispute arising between him and third parties due to the content that he makes available for posting, publication, or other transfer through the services of the website.


A cookie is a file which contains an identification code (a sequence of numbers and letters) and which has been sent by a server to a browser where it is stored. Every time the browser requests a page from the server, the identification code is also sent back to it. Cookies are therefore sent when the user visits the website. More details on how cookies work can be found in the privacy policy and cookies policy.


Apart from the expressly stated exceptions (copyrights of third parties, partners and entities), all the content of the website, including videos, images, graphics, photos, designs, texts, the services provided and generally all the files of the website, are the intellectual property of site and its creator and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions and treaties. Consequently, none of them may be in whole or in part sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished or “uploaded”, transmitted or distributed in any way. The products or services mentioned on the online pages of this site and possibly bearing the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner bodies, associations or publications, are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility. The user understands and accepts that he is not granted the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and/or commercially exploit in any way all or part of the content of the website. If he does so, he accepts that he is solely responsible for compensation for the above.


Given the nature and volume of the internet, under any circumstances, including in the case of negligence, the website is not responsible for any damage of any kind suffered by the user of its pages, app, services, options and contents which it does on its own initiative. Its contents are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the website disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The website does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, error-free and that errors will be corrected. Also, it does not guarantee that the same or any other related site or the servers through which they are made available to users/members, do not contain “viruses” or other harmful components. The website and the app do not in any way guarantee the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services, options or their results. The cost of possible corrections or services is borne by the visitor/user and in no case by this website and the Company that manages it or commercially exploits it.

Third party articles and publications

The site hosts articles from third parties. The responsibility of the posts, as well as their content, belongs exclusively to their authors, expressly excluding any responsibility regarding the website. This also applies to comments posted by users on it.


The content and information included on the website is an offer to the user and to the community of internet users in general